Snow White resin has a greenish tint, as the model immediately after printing. To get a pure white color of the model, it needs to be illuminated with a wide spectrum of light – under a fluorescent / LED lamp with a temperature of 6500K, or simply in the sun for about 30-40 minutes, turning it over.
Tips and hacks post-processing of Snow White resin.
So why is Snow White green but not white? It’s simple – photoinitiators give a greenish tint, and to get a white color, all of them must react. Photoinitiator – a component that, by absorbing light, starts the curing reaction of the material. To get a model of pure white color, after washing and removing supports, you need to illuminate the model with a wide spectrum of light – fluorescent lamp, sun, etc. Snow White from FTD new generation. With subsequent illumination, the part turns white. An experiment was set up – a half of the strip was protected from further illumination with foil. Then – 20 minutes per side with a 40 W 6500K LED spotlight. If you expose the model only in the UV camera, the greenish tint will remain. The light wavelength of the UV camera is about 380-410 nm, this is a narrow range of light, which is not enough for all photoinitiators to react.

In order for the model to become pure white, it must be kept under the sun or under a fluorescent lamp for about 30-40 minutes, turning it over.
After printing, the model must be washed immediately. Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) diluted to 60% or isopropyl alcohol is great. Rinse the model in previously used alcohol to remove most of the excess resin. Next rinse clean. To achieve maximum results, place the model in the USM (ultrasonic cleaner) for 2-3 minutes.
Drying and removal of supports
After washing, the model must be dried from alcohol. You can dry it with a hairdryer without heating, with compressed air, or leave it on a napkin for half an hour. Now support should be removed. At this stage, this will be the easiest to do. If the supports are removed after the model has been exposed to the finish in a UV camera or in the sun, the supports will become stiffer and it will be more difficult to remove them.
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